Tips on How To Manage Change

As a leader in your business you are in a pivotal role in guiding and implementing change.  Here are some ways you can effectively manage change:


1.     Set A Clear Vision & Strategy

Establishing and communicating consistently a clear vision for change, the reasons for it and the desired outcomes will ensure all employees understand the direction and purpose of the change.

2.     Build a strong leadership team

Assembling and empowering a specific team to champion the change and address any challenges will motivate all involved.

3.     Communicate effectively

Transparent and understandable communication is vital at all stages of the changes.  Regular updates on progress, celebrating milestones and addressing fears and concerns will help build trust and reduce resistance.

4.     Engage & Involve employees

You can’t expect buy-in to change without involving everyone.  Create feedback loops, involve employees in decision making and encourage them to contribute to the implementation of change.

5.     Align the Organisations Culture

Make sure any actions are in harmony with the company’s core values and beliefs.

6.     Providing Resources and Support

Change usually requires new skills, tools and resources.  Make sure all employees have access to this to enable change to be successful.

7.     Monitoring & Adjusting

As with any strategy metrics must be established to monitor the progress of the change to enable the strategy to be adjusted if needed.  Regular reviews and assessments will also help identify what is and isn’t working.

8.     Lead By Example

If you are actively engaged and supportive it will encourage others to be so.  Find that mindset!

9.     Managing Resistance

It is natural for many to resist change.  Most don’t like it.  Be proactive by understanding the root cause and work towards resolving any concerns.

10.  Celebrating Successes

Recognise small wins, this will boost morale and reinforce the positive aspects of change.  Show appreciation to all involved.


Focusing on these areas and establishing tools will ensure your business adapts smoothly to change and achieves its strategic objectives.

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